Acquisition value | Amount paid for the assets when they were purchased. |
Activities | Specific tasks or functions of service delivery or program. |
Administrative classification | Classification that identifies the entity responsible for managing the public funds concerned-the main budgetary heads (votes) of budgetary units that are included in the approved budget. |
Administrative unit | See administrative classification. |
Advance accounts | Accounts that cover amounts paid to vendors under public procurement contracts as well as travel advances and operational imprests. |
Age of arrears | Length of time between when the arrears were incurred and the current date. |
Aggregate expenditure |
Total of all expenditures including: (i) those incurred as a result of exceptional events (i.e., armed conflicts or natural disasters, which may be met from contingency votes); (ii) expenditures financed by windfall revenues including privatization. They should be included and noted in the supporting tables and narrative; and (iii) externally financed expenditure (by loans or grants) – if reported in the budget, contingency vote(s) and interest on debt. Note: Expenditure assigned to suspense accounts is not included in the aggregate. However, if amounts are held in suspense accounts at the end of any year that could affect the scores if included in the calculations, they can be included. In such cases the reason(s) for inclusion must be clearly stated in the PEFA report. |
Aggregate expenditure outturn | Total actual expenditure of the budgetary central government for the full financial year corresponding to the approved annual budgeted expenditure. |
Aggregate fiscal discipline | Effective control of the total budget and management of fiscal risks. |
Aggregation of scores | Combination of dimension-specific scores to reach an overall score for each indicator using an appropriate method based on the degree of linkage between the individual dimensions (see M1/ M2). |
Appropriate parties | The audited entity and any other parties to whom the internal auditors are required to submit their reports, as set out in laws, regulations or similar. Such parties may include the MOF and the Supreme Audit Institution. |
Approved budget | The budget approved by the legislature (original or subsequently amended) on which budgetary units base their annual expenditure plans. |
Approved aggregate budgeted expenditure | Total expenditure by budgetary central government as originally approved by the legislature at the commencement of the budget year. It does not reflect approved budget adjustments made by the executive or the legislature after the approval of the original budget. |
All | 90 percent or more (by value). |