Dimension 12.1. Timing, coverage and data requirements
Time period | Coverage | Data requirements/calculation | Data sources |
Last completed fiscal year | CG. |
Dimension 12.2. Nonfinancial asset monitoring
12.2:1. This dimension assesses the features of nonfinancial asset monitoring for BCG. Reporting on nonfinancial assets should identify the assets and their use. Maintaining a register of fixed assets is a basic requirement; up-to-date registers allow government to better utilize assets such as infrastructure and to plan investment programs and maintenance. Registers of subsoil assets are only required if the assets owned by BCG are significant relative to total BCG assets. If there are significant nonfinancial assets held by public corporations, this should be reported in the narrative for this dimension. The dimension does not require valuation for nonfinancial assets.
12.2:2. A list of categories of nonfinancial assets is provided in table 12.2 below to guide the assessment of dimension 12.2. The assessment should be clear about which categories are included for the purposes of this indicator and the reasons for any exclusions. It should include comments on the mechanisms used to capture information. The narrative should also comment on the completeness of the data inserted in the table and should indicate which entities own or administer the assets.
12.2:3. Assessors are advised to use table 12.2 to help the scoring of the dimensions concerning nonfinancial assets. The ‘where captured’ column should explain if the asset class is captured in registers and to what extent, i.e., how complete the information is. The ‘comments’ column is meant to provide information on (1) who owns/administers the assets (2) how information is captured and how frequently
Dimension 12.2. Scoring
Score | Minimum requirements for scores |
A | The government maintains a register of its holdings of fixed assets, land, and (where relevant) subsoil assets, including information on their usage and age, which is published at least annually. |
B | The government maintains a register of its holdings of fixed assets, including information on their usage and age, which is published. A register of land, and (where relevant) subsoil assets is also maintained. |
C | The government maintains a register of its holdings of fixed assets, and collects partial information on their usage and age |
D | Performance is less than required for a C score. |
Pillar Three: Management of Assets and Liabilities