Dimension 24.1. Scoring
Score | Minimum requirements for scores |
A |
Databases or records are maintained for contracts including data on what has been procured, value of procurement, and who has been awarded contracts. The data are accurate and complete for all procurement methods for goods, services and works |
B |
Databases or records are maintained for contracts including data on what has been procured, value of procurement, and who has been awarded contracts. The data are accurate and complete for most procurement methods for goods, services and works |
C |
Databases or records are maintained for contracts including data on what has been procured, value of procurement, and who has been awarded contracts. The data are accurate and complete for the majority of procurement methods for goods, services and works. |
D | Performance is less than required for a C score |
Dimension 24.1. Timing, coverage and data requirements
Time period | Coverage | Data requirements/calculation | Data sources |
Last completed fiscal year. |
CG |
Dimension 24.2. Procurement methods
24.2:1. This dimension analyzes the percentage of the total value of contracts awarded with and without competition. A good procurement system ensures that procurement uses competitive methods, except low-value procurement under an established and appropriate threshold. This includes situations in which other methods are effectively restricted by regulations or where the provisions to apply other methods are used sparingly.
24.2:2. For this dimension, the focus is to assess the actual use of competitive methods (interalia
methods that promote open participation of potential providers). Assessors need to identify (i) the extent of use of competitive methods, (ii) whether there is a threshold, and, if so, (iii) the threshold above which open competition is the default method. In addition, assessors need to identify concerns, if any, regarding the reliability of data on procurement methods and the value of contracts (e.g., statements on data completeness and accuracy by internal or external auditors), as assessed under dimension 24.1. The assessors are encouraged to mention in the narrative the percentage of the total value of contracts carried out under the set threshold.
Pillar Five: Predictability and Control in Budget Execution