1.2. Scope and coverage of the framework
The purpose of a good PFM system is to ensure that the policies of governments are implemented as intended and achieve their objectives. An open and orderly PFM system is one of the enabling elements needed for desirable fiscal and budgetary outcomes:
- Aggregate fiscal discipline requires effective control of the total budget and management of fiscal risks.
- Strategic allocation of resources involves planning and executing the budget in line with government priorities aimed at achieving policy objectives.
- Efficient service delivery requires using budgeted revenues to achieve the best levels of public services within available resources.
PEFA identifies seven pillars of performance in an open and orderly PFM system that are essential to achieving these objectives. The seven pillars thereby define the key elements of a PFM system. They also reflect what is desirable and feasible to measure. The pillars are as follows:
- Budget reliability. The government budget is realistic and is implemented as intended. This is measured by comparing actual revenues and expenditures (the immediate results of the PFM system) with the original approved budget.
- Transparency of public finances. Information on PFM is comprehensive, consistent, and accessible to users. This is achieved through comprehensive budget classification, transparency of all government revenue and expenditure including intergovernmental transfers, published information on service delivery performance and ready access to fiscal and budget documentation.
- Management of assets and liabilities. Effective management of assets and liabilities ensures that public investments provide value for money, assets are recorded and managed, fiscal risks are identified, and debts and guarantees are prudently planned, approved, and monitored.
- Policy-based fiscal strategy and budgeting. The fiscal strategy and the budget are prepared with due regard to government fiscal policies, strategic plans, and adequate macroeconomic and fiscal projections.
- Predictability and control in budget execution. The budget is implemented within a system of effective standards, processes, and internal controls, ensuring that resources are obtained and used as intended.
- Accounting and reporting. Accurate and reliable records are maintained, and information is produced and disseminated at appropriate times to meet decision-making, management, and reporting needs.
- External scrutiny and audit. Public finances are independently reviewed and there is external follow-up on the implementation of recommendations for improvement by the executive.
Figure 1 illustrates the interrelationship of the seven pillars of the PFM system.
Within the seven broad areas marked by these pillars, PEFA defines 31 specific indicators that focus on key measurable aspects of the PFM system. PEFA uses the results of the individual indicator calculations, which are based on available evidence, to provide an integrated assessment of the PFM system against the seven pillars of PFM performance. It then assesses the likely impact of PFM performance levels on the three desired budgetary outcomes: aggregate fiscal discipline, strategic allocation of resources, and efficient service delivery
PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA