2.4. Preparation for the PEFA Check
The assessment manager is also responsible for ensuring an independent QA process. This is important for the credibility of the assessment report to all stakeholders. The QA process needs to check for accuracy and quality of supporting evidence and for compliance with the PEFA methodology. The PEFA Check ‘quality endorsement process’ developed by the PEFA Secretariat ensures that the assessment and the QA process have followed recognized good practices in planning and implementation. The requirements for the PEFA Check are described in Box 2, and in further detail in step 7 and in annex 1.2. Box 3 summarizes the key assessment management and QA arrangements
Step 3 of the PEFA assessment process involves identifying and establishing the requirements to achieve the assessment objectives. This includes mobilizing the assessment team, identifying data requirements and sources, planning field work and interviews, and preparing data bases and templates for retention and storage of information collected.
An important part of this step is collecting and reviewing all available relevant information and data that can be obtained before
field work commences. This could include previous PEFA reports and other analytical assessments as well as existing government data. Collecting as much information and data as possible in advance of field work and meetings will
Box 2: PEFA CHECK criteria
1. The draft concept note is submitted for peer review before the in‐country assessment field work starts. The draft concept note/ToR is submitted to reviewers representing at least four PFM institutions. The peer reviewers should include the government assessed and the PEFA Secretariat and at least two other independent institutions from within or outside the country, such as development partners, PFM related NGOs, civil society groups or other governments.
2. A final version of the concept note is shared with all peer reviewers
3. The complete draft PEFA report is submitted to all peer reviewers for review. The peer reviewers should include the government assessed and the PEFA Secretariat and at least two other independent institutions from within or outside the country, such as development partners, PFM related NGOs, civil society groups or other governments. Peer reviewers are expected to provide comments or acknowledge “no comment” if they consider no changes are needed.
4. A revised draft PEFA report is prepared by the assessment team attaching a matrix with peer reviewers’ comments and assessment team responses. The PEFA Secretariat carries out a follow- up review which evaluates whether its comments have been addressed.
5. The final report is reviewed by the PEFA secretariat to ensure that the compliance indices for dimensions and indicators and the report coverage index are both higher than 85 percent. If any of the indices scores is below 85 percent, the PEFA secretariat will inform the assessment manager and highlight areas where compliance or coverage can be improved to meet or exceed 85 percent.
6. The assessment management and quality assurance arrangements are described in the PEFA report as illustrated in Box 3.
PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA