1.5. Appoint a government liaison officer
It is helpful if the government appoints a liaison officer (LO) for the assessment (sometimes called focal point). This person will be the first point of contact within the government and will liaise with all interested stakeholders within government, development partners, the oversight team and th assessment manager. The LO will facilitate data access for the assessment team and follow up on data gaps and additional documents on request. If required, the LO will provide logistical support such as arranging travel and accommodations. Depending on the assessment model chosen, the assessment manager and the LO may be the same person.
Once all key stakeholders have agreed in principle to undertake a PEFA assessment, the next step in the PEFA process involves developing the concept note or ToR. (The lead agency will determine whether the appropriate title for this document is concept note, ToR or other title depending on their own procedures.) The primary role of the concept note/ ToR is to set out the agreed purpose, objectives, scope, timing and resources for the assessment
Figure 1. Organizational structure for a PEFA assessment
Phase One: Planning the PEFA Assessment