Table 1. Resources required for PEFA assessment
Budget item | Resources required |
Assessment team | |
Consultant fees (#consultants x #days) | $ |
Staff costs (#staff x #days) | $ |
Travel costs (#days, #trips) | $ |
Accommodation (#days) | $ |
Per diem (#days) | $ |
Training facilities hire (#days) | $ |
Catering (people x unit price) | $ |
Other incidental costs (translation, photocopying etc.) | $ |
TOTAL | $ |
1.4. Appoint an assessment manager
The assessment manager is the day-to-day manager of the assessment process. The assessment manager is responsible for the following activities as agreed with the oversight team:
- Establishing the assessment team (assessment team) , its size, composition, sourcing, procurement of consultants, qualifications and training or familiarization requirements. The higher the quality and capability of the assessment team, the greater the chances of a high-quality assessment.
- Preparing the assessment timetable and meeting schedule, covering preparatory work (including initial learning workshop), the assessment process and any follow-up arrangements, such as an ex-post presentation of the assessment. It is important that the timetable allocate adequate time to carry out the assessment including accessing data, meeting the key people, and writing and reviewing the report.
- Specifying the technical definitions , i.e., level of government (CG or SNG), structure of
the government (budgetary units, extra budgetary units and public corporations), terminology (including comparability with the International Monetary Fund’s Government Finance Statistics), main data requirements and likely sources;
- Ensuring compliance with the PEFA Check, a quality assurance process which takes place both at concept note and draft report preparation steps and is monitored by the PEFA Secretariat, as explained in Annex 1.2 of this document.
The assessment manager should ensure the PEFA report includes an overview of changes in performance ratings in the case of a successive assessment (see Annex 4 of volume III of the PEFA handbook).
The assessment manager may also be the team leader of the assessment team. If the assessment manager and team leader are different people, the assessment manager should confer periodically (e.g., once a week) with the team leader so that problems such as cancelled meetings or the unavailability of data can be resolved promptly.
PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA