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Avril 2023 April 2023 Abril 2023
From the Desk of the Head of PEFA Secretariat: In this video, the Head of PEFA Secretariat, Srinivas Gurazada, highlights some of the latest PEFA news. |
Les enjeux mondiaux de gestion des finances publiques et de budgetisation de crise: perpectives croisees sur l’Afrique: This PEFA Global Webinar is a French event discussing the Global Report on PFM, the key messages, and findings with highlights from the Africa Region. Watch the Video Recording |
IMF Blog on PFM performance improvement using PEFA data: The blog “Is PFM Performance Improving?” reflects on the frequently asked question by researchers and experts, whether PEFA scores show an improvement or a decline in overall PFM performance over the last two decades. |