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 Octobre 2023           October 2023             Octubre 2023





Srini video Image



Live from the Desk of the Head of the PEFA Secretariat: In this videothe Head of PEFA Secretariat, Srinivas Gurazada, gives a warm welcome to the participants of the upcoming PEFA Flagship Training to be held in Manila and also thanks the PFM practitioners for the overwhelming response. He highlights the importance of the recently finalized Guidance on Preparing a PEFA Report and the new enhanced Report Template that will facilitate working on a PEFA assessment. He introduces the new Pocket Guide that contains QR codes and links for easy access to key PEFA products and publications.

PEFA report



How to Prepare a PEFA Report: New to the PEFA report? Check out the recent publication Preparing the PEFA Report (Volume III) that provides PEFA users with expanded guidance on how to prepare a PEFA Report. The package of documents includes a template with instructions for each section, automated charts for easy scoring, as well a guidance for a short note to summarize the results of a PEFA assessment.

Report template


PEFA report template - new version: This template in Word format, revised in September 2023, is downloadable and available for direct use by assessors to prepare a PEFA report.  All guidance is provided in red italic font for ease of drafting.  This is one of a series of templates provided by the PEFA Secretariat to make the assessment process as accessible and streamlined as possible.

SNG Guidance


Guidance for Subnational Government PEFA Assessments: Applying PEFA at the subnational level? Read this  Guidance  that supplements the traditional, national level, PEFA Framework and offers recommendations on how each of the PEFA indicators and dimensions can be applied or modified to accommodate the characteristics of subnational governments. The guidance introduces some new indicators and a specific SNG pillar on intergovernmental fiscal relations, consisting of two indicators.

Pocket Guide


PEFA Products - A Pocket Guide: This pocket guide provides a snapshot of all PEFA reference materials, including a direct link through a QR code to each product. PEFA products referenced include methodological frameworks, templates, handbooks, and an online course. These products will facilitate the work of all stakeholders applying the PEFA methodology, conducting PEFA assessments, using PEFA reports to prepare plans for improving PFM, and conducting analytical work on PFM related topics.


global webinar




Highlights of the Global Webinar “PEFA Fiduciary: Country PFM through a Fiduciary Lens”: This article provides key messages and video recording from a Global Webinar organized by PEFA Secretariat on 12 October 2023 and attended by more than 170 participants. During the event, the recently developed PEFA Fiduciary Guidance product and the approach of utilizing the PEFA framework to analyze country PFM systems from a fiduciary perspective were introduced.






Publication of the PEFA 2022 Mongolia Ulaanbaatar City Subnational Report (English)


The recently published PEFA 2022 Mongolia Ulaanbaatar City report is the first subnational PEFA assessment conducted in Mongolia. It was jointly led by the Government of Mongolia and the World Bank and used the PEFA 2021 Guidance for SNG PEFA Assessments. In addition, a service delivery assessment module was applied to identify bottlenecks in service delivery due to PFM performance and to plan future improvements.

Read the Report and Summary in English


Publication of the PEFA++ 2023 Bhutan National Report with PEFA Gender and PEFA Climate (English)


The PEFA 2023 Bhutan National Assessment along with a PEFA Gender and PEFA Climate Assessment were undertaken as self-assessments by the Royal Government of Bhutan with technical support from the World Bank. The work was co-financed by the World Bank, the European Union, and the Austrian Development Agency. The assessments provide a current diagnostic and status of PFM since the previous two PEFA assessments to facilitate the identification of key areas for further PFM strengthening.

Read the full Reports and Summaries in English

National Report and Summary

Gender (GRPFM) Report and Summary

Climate (CRPFM) Report


Publication of the PEFA 2023 Tunisia Agile National Report (French)

Tunisia Agile

The PEFA 2023 Tunisia Agile National Report is the third national PEFA assessment conducted in Tunisia (following the 2010 and 2015 reports).  It was developed by a team of independent experts at the request of the government and was financed by the World Bank and the European Union. It follows the PEFA 2016 methodology coupled with the AgilePEFA pilot approach. Some additional content related to the AgilePEFA format was presented at the request of the government to provide information on the context of the reform and a description of the Tunisian PFM system in the classic PEFA format.

Read the Report and Summary in French

Publication of the PEFA++ 2022 Kenya National Report with PEFA Gender and PEFA Climate (English)


The PEFA 2022 Kenya National Assessment was the fifth national PEFA assessment conducted in Kenya.  A PEFA Gender and PEFA Climate Assessment were also carried out. All three assessments were undertaken by the European Union and the Government with financial support from the EU. The work was coordinated by the PFM Reforms Secretariat (PFMRS) in the National Treasury with support from Agence Française de Développement, UN Women and UNICEF.

Read the full Reports and Summaries in English

National Report and Summary

Gender (GRPFM) Report and Summary

Climate (CRPFM) Report




PEFA Video




This video provides an overview of the key four phases and ten steps of a typical PEFA assessment process. The four phases are: Planning, Fieldwork, Reporting, and PFM Reform Action.  The video is available in English, with French subtitles, or with Spanish subtitles.

Vincent video



In this video, Vincent Nkuranga, Chair of the PEFA Advisory Board, in conversation with Srinivas Gurazada, Head of the PEFA Secretariat, calls for greater use of the PEFA framework in strengthening PFM systems. Vincent shares experiences of how Rwanda successfully leveraged the PEFA framework, including PEFA Climate, to transform PFM in the country. The video is available in English.





The Government Analytics Handbook: Leveraging Data to Strengthen Public Administration

This WBG Handbook presents emerging evidence and practitioner insights on how to leverage data to strengthen public administration. It lays out the motivation for government analytics, summarizes key lessons on how to do such analytics well, and offers an approach for the future utilization of government data. In-depth guidance is provided on the use of administrative data, public servant surveys, and other microdata, to diagnose and improve how public organizations work. This Handbook includes tools and resources to enable practitioners to apply the approach described.

Of interest to those working on:

Pillar 2: Transparency of Public Finances

Pillar 6: Accounting & Reporting


How can green public procurement contribute to a more sustainable future

This World Bank Group Governance blog stresses that, in an era defined by climate change and environmental degradation, the role of governments in promoting sustainability has become paramount. The sheer scale of government purchasing gives it the potential to shape markets, encourage responsible business practices, and drive sustainability across industries. Transforming public procurement practices can play a key role in achieving a greener and more sustainable future.  By embedding environmental considerations into procurement processes, governments can drive innovation, promote responsible consumption, and pave the way for a more sustainable tomorrow.

Of interest to those working on:

Pillar 4: Policy-Based Fiscal Strategy & Budgeting

PEFA Climate

Do Financial Markets Value Quality of Fiscal Governance?

This IMF paper examines the link between the quality of fiscal governance and access to market-based external finance. Stronger fiscal governance is associated with improvements in several indicators of market access, including a higher likelihood of issuing sovereign bonds and having a sovereign credit rating, receiving stronger ratings, and obtaining lower spreads. Using granular information on the quality of fiscal governance from PEFA assessments in 89 emerging and developing economies, the paper finds that several indicators of market access are correlated with sound PFM practices, especially those that improve budget transparency and reporting, debt management, and fiscal strategy.

Of interest to those working on:

Pillar 2: Transparency of Public Finances

Pillar 4: Policy-Based Fiscal Strategy & Budgeting


IMF Fiscal Monitor - Climate Crossroads: Fiscal Policies in a Warming World

This report takes stock of climate mitigation policies across countries and presents the trilemma facing policymakers of balancing between achieving climate goals, debt sustainability, and political feasibility. The report argues that the only way to achieve these joint goals is through a carefully calibrated mix of revenue and spending-based policies. Global coordination to push forward pragmatic global carbon pricing, enhance external financial support, and facilitate knowledge transfers of established low-carbon technologies are essential to support the climate mitigation efforts of developing economies.

Of interest to those working on:

Pillar 4: Policy-Based Fiscal Strategy & Budgeting

PEFA Climate



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