TABLE 2: (continued)

  25. Internal controls on nonsalary expenditure

25.1 Segregation of duties

25.2 Effectiveness of expenditure commitment controls

25.3Compliance with payment rules and procedures

26. Internal audit

26.1 Coverage of internal audit

26.2 Nature of audits and standards applied

26.3 Implementation of internal audits and reporting

26.4 Response to internal audits

VI. Accounting and reporting

Accounting and reporting

27. Financial data integrity 27.1 Bank account reconciliation 27.2 Suspense accounts 27.3 Advance accounts 27.4 Financial data integrity processes
28. In-year budget reports

28.1 Coverage and comparability of reports

28.2 Timing of in-year budget reports

28.3 Accuracy of in-year budget reports

29. Annual financial reports

29.1 Completeness of annual financial reports

29.2 Submission of reports for external audit

29.3 Accounting standards

VII. External scrutiny and audit

External scrutiny and audit

30. External audit

30.1 Audit coverage and standards

30.2 Submission of audit reports to the legislature

30.3 External audit follow-up

30.4 Supreme Audit Institution independence

31. Legislative scrutiny of audit reports

31.1 Timing of audit report scrutiny

31.2 Hearings on audit findings

31.3 Recommendations on audit by the legislature

31.4 Transparency of legislative scrutiny of audit reports