
The introduction explains the context and purpose of the PFM assessment, the process by which the PEFA report was prepared, and the methodology used in undertaking the assessment.

The length of this section is expected to be three pages of narrative plus a table with indicator scores.

1.1. Rationale and purpose

This section describes the objective of the PEFA assessment and important background information, including why it has been undertaken at this time, reference to any previous PEFA assessment(s), and its relevance to on-going reform activities.

1.2. Assessment management and quality assurance

This section describes the process of preparing the report, including: (i) the organization that initiated and commissioned the assessment; (ii) the extent to which government officials were involved in the preparation of the report; and (iii) the roles and contributions of any other stakeholders in the assessment.

BOX 1.1: Assessment management and quality assurance arrangements

PEFA assessment management organization

  • Oversight Team — Chair & Members: [names & organizations]
  • Assessment Manager: [name and organization]  
  • Assessment Team Leader and Team Members: [name and organization for each]

Review of concept note and/or terms of reference

  • Date of reviewed draft concept note and/or terms of reference:
  • Invited reviewers: [name and organization for each one, or as group e.g. the Oversight Team]
  • Reviewers who provided comments: [name and organization for each one, in particular the PEFA Secretariat and date(s) of its review(s) or as group e.g. the Oversight Team]
  • Date(s) of final concept note and/or terms of reference:

Review of the assessment report

  • Date(s) of reviewed draft report(s):
  • Invited reviewers: [name and organization for each one, in particular the PEFA Secretariat and date(s) of its review(s) or as group e.g. the Oversight Team]Reviewers who provided comments: [name and organization for each one]