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Avril 2022                  April 2022                   Abril 2022




Video on PEFA NewsFlash: The PEFA Secretariat is updating its Newsflash with this April 2022 issue. Here are a few reflections from Srinivas Gurazada, Head of the PEFA Secretariat. The PEFA Team hopes you will enjoy this new version and would like to keep in contact with all PEFA users.


e-learningTake the PEFA Self-paced E-Learning course

The PEFA course is open for all interested in Public Financial Management, those ready to learn or wanting to refresh their knowledge.  More information is available here. Register for the course here.



PFM Blog Image

What do Practitioners Think about Public Financial Management? - PEFA Blog on World Bank Blogs Site





The PEFA Steering Committee Meeting in December 2021 Endorses the Revised Guidance for Sub-National PEFA Assessments for Global Use

Check some of the decisions of the virtual PEFA Steering Committee Meeting, hosted by France in December 2021, and PEFA plans for 2022


New Blog on Strengthening PFM Processes for Enhanced Development Outcomes




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The PEFA Secretariat participated in a Webinar on the French version of the online course "Advancing Financial Transparency for Development" organized by GIFT

More Information is available on PEFA social media channels in French language.







Sindh - Punjab


Publication of the PEFA 2021 Mozambique Assessment

The 5th PEFA National Assessment for Mozambique, led by the government and financed by the EU has been finalized.
The country continues to make good progress in several indicators including External Scrutiny and Audit and Policy Based Fiscal Strategy and Budgeting. The Report is in Portuguese language.

Mozambique Assessment:

report and summary

Publication of the 3rd PEFA 2020 Sub-National Reports for Sindh and Punjab provinces in Pakistan

The Sindh assessment shows PFM improvements in the effectiveness of payroll controls and in the better access to fiscal information provided to the public, while Punjab report shows better results in the performance of aggregate expenditure outturn and in the quality of debt data recording and reporting.

Sindh Assessment:          Punjab Assessment: 

report and summary            report and summary





In 2020 PEFA celebrated its 20th Anniversary. Watch a short video on PEFA achievements and areas of development.





“The 20 years of PEFA speak to the strength of the approach, the regular and reference points to the good practice, the accumulated knowledge, the ongoing innovation and the adaption of the PEFA Program that is remarkable.” says, Jens Kristensen, Practice Manager, World Bank and former Head of PEFA Secretariat in the video interview here.


“PEFA is a credible fiduciary assessment which also enables countries to obtain loans from the European Commission, the World Bank and other partners” says Mr. Jamshid Abruev, Head of the State Budget Department, Ministry of Finance, Uzbekistan, sharing experiences with PFM reforms.  Watch the video here in Russian and English.






Tax and fiscal policies after the COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant deterioration in public finances. Read this report on how tax and fiscal policies can deliver a balance of equity, growth and sustainability. The report was prepared for G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at the request of the Italian G20 Presidency.

Could be of interest to those working on

PI-14: Macroeconomic and fiscal forecasting and

PI-15: Fiscal strategy


How to Strengthen Performance Based Budgeting

Check out this IMF PFM blog reflecting some of the key challenges that African countries have faced in implementing Performance Based Budgeting.

Could be of interest to those working on

PI-5: Budget documentation


The Pathway to Accruals

Check out this report by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) which provides guidance to governments on pathways toward adopting and implementing accrual-based reporting frameworks.

Could be of interest to those working on

PI-29: Annual Financial reports


Reconciliation of Budgeting and Accounting - Budget Deficits Paint Too Rosy a Picture

Are governments running larger deficits than before the Covid-19 pandemic? What is the difference between the budget deficit and its accrual counterpart? Read this IMF PFM blog.

Could be of interest to those working on

PI-1: Aggregate expenditure outturn

PI-3: Revenue outturn

PI-19: Revenue administration

PI-29: Annual financial reports


Managing COVID Funds - The Accountability Gap

Read this IBP report that presents critical issues and many country examples related to the importance of accountability in Covid-19 responses, how governments can take emergency actions without sacrificing accountability, and the role of development partners in promoting good practices.

Could be of interest to those working on

PI-25: Internal controls on non-salary expenditure

PI-26: Internal Audit and

PI-30: External Audit




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