Botswana GRPFM 2022
Executive Summary
This is the first Gender Responsive PFM assessment for the country and it was a self-assessment through the support of Botswana Government and USA Treasury-Office of Technical Assistance collaboration. The Government of Botswana funded the assessment while U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Technical Assistance (USA Treasury-OTA), provided an intermittent advisor to serve as assessment compliance manager. The local team was further strengthened by a local consultant with extensive experience in gender issues and her primary task was to ensure completeness and accuracy of the information tested and reported upon through continuous evaluation of data for relevance and completeness.
The assessment was focused on Central Government (CG) entities, including budgetary units, extra-budgetary units and public enterprises. CG budgetary units consists of Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) whose budgets are approved by Parliament. The local authorities, or subnational governments (SNGs), were not directly covered by the assessment as their financial data was accessed through their mother ministry being the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD).