In July 2022, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) launched The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2022, providing a global overview of progress on implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, using the latest available data and estimates. In order to provide the general public with all information regarding the indicators the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) has prepared The UN SDG Extended Report 2022 .
The Article “SDG indicator 16.6.1 speaks how budgets are affected by COVID-19 pandemic”, prepared by PEFA Secretariat's team, is included in the UN SDG Extended Report 2022 on page 11 and presents a summary and analysis of the outturn budget deviations as compared to approved budgets for the period 2010-2021 according UN regions. In the publication are highlighted comparisons, based on the information for the COVID -19 period: 2020-2021, provided from some countries as well as feedback on examples of measures taken in different regions.
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PEFA Secretariat is working on the UN Sustainable Development Goals Initiative that started in 2018 and will continue until 2030, being in charge of the the coordination and annual collection of raw data for the indicator 16.6.1: "Primary governments expenditure as a proportion of its originally approved budget”. It corresponds broadly to indicator PI-1 in the PEFA Framework, which compares the aggregate expenditure outturn in recent years with the government’s budget approved by the legislature. The available data as of 2022 is for 152 countries on average for 10 years. The full set of data was published and could be accessed on the WB Data and on the UN website: SDG Indicators Database.
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