The European Commission has acted quickly to raise awareness of PEFA 2016 within its own organization. A seminar was delivered by Lewis Hawke, Head of the PEFA Secretariat, on February 18 in Brussels, attended by staff from several Directorate-Generals with an interest in PEFA. The seminar coincided with a two day training on the application of PEFA 2016 for Commission staff.

PEFA 2016 will be applied to all new PEFA assessments supported by the European Commission and other users. It was therefore important for Commission staff to receive early information on the features of PEFA 2016 and the main areas of improvement over the previous version. The Commission will have a major role at the forthcoming PEFA Conference and Training in Istanbul from April 26 to 29 in support of improved understanding and use of PEFA as an input to planning and implementing public financial management reforms in its partner countries.

The PEFA Secretariat has embarked on a global awareness raising initiative for PEFA 2016 and is upgrading its guidance and information material to support users of the framework.


Lewis Hawke, Head of the PEFA Secretariat, delivers training for Commission staff.



Lewis Hawke, Head of the PEFA Secretariat, delivers training for Commission staff.