PI-5. Budget documentation

This indicator assesses the comprehensiveness of the information provided in the annual budget documentation, as measured against a specified list of basic and additional elements. There is one dimension for this indicator.

Dimension and scoring
Score Minimum requirements for scores
5.1. Budget documentation
A Budget documentation fulfills 10 elements, including every basic element (1–4).
B Budget documentation fulfills 7 elements, including at least 3 basic elements (1–4).
C Budget documentation fulfills at least 3 basic elements (1–4).
D Performance is less than required for a C score.


Time period

Last budget submitted to the legislature.

Measurement guidance

Annual budget documentation refers to the executive’s budget proposals for the next fiscal year with supporting documents, as submitted to the legislature for scrutiny and approval. The set of documents provided by the executive should allow a complete picture of central government fiscal forecasts, budget proposals, and outturn of the current and previous fiscal years.1

The dimension scoring requirements refer to the number of elements that are included in the last annual budget proposals submitted by the central government. The full specification of the information benchmark must be met to be counted in the score.

The elements are as follows:

Basic elements

  1. Forecast of the fiscal deficit or surplus or accrual operating result.
  2. Previous year’s budget outturn, presented in the same format as the budget proposal.
  3. Current fiscal year’s budget presented in the same format as the budget proposal. This can be either the revised budget or the estimated outturn.
  4. Aggregated budget data for both revenue and expenditure according to the main heads of the classifications used, including data for the current and previous year with a detailed breakdown of revenue and expenditure estimates. (Budget classification is covered in PI-4.)

Additional elements

    5. Deficit financing, describing its anticipated composition

1 The following terminology is used: Current fiscal year (T) is the fiscal year in which the budget proposals are being prepared and usually presented. Next year (T+1) is the budget year or fiscal year for which the annual budget proposals are made. Previous year (T-1) is the last fiscal year completed. Outer years (T+2, T+3, and so on) are the fiscal years beyond the year for which the annual budget proposals are made. Outer years are relevant for the medium-term budget perspective in PI-14, PI-15, and PI-16.