Template and Guidance for the Preparation of PEFA Story Based on Good Practices
The PEFA Secretariat has been collecting stories from countries, development partners, and other PEFA users around the world related to the management of PEFA assessments and use of PEFA reports to reform public financial management (PFM) at both the central and/or subnational level.
The stories include testimonials of good practice in planning and managing PEFA assessments and how the assessments have had an impact in the design, implementation, and monitoring of PFM reform initiatives.
The PEFA Secretariat encourages governments, development partners, civil society, and other interested stakeholders to share their stories. To facilitate this, the PEFA Secretariat provides a template that contributors are encouraged to use. Each post will be attributed to the individual author alone, and will not necessarily represent the views of the PEFA Secretariat and/or PEFA Partners.
Submissions can be sent to services@pefa.org.