PEFA Performance Measurement Framework at Sub-National Government Level – Definitions & Typology

This working paper on the definitions and typology of SNGs, was prepared for the Secretariat by Jamie Boex, as background material during the development of the Supplementary Guidelines for the application of the PEFA Framework to subnational governments, published in January 2013. The supplementary guidelines for SNG assessments aim to help practitioners apply the PEFA Framework at a subnational level.

PEFA Performance Measurement Framework at Sub-National Government Level – Definitions & Typology (English)

Cadre PEFA de mesure de la performance au niveau des administrations infranationales—définitions et typologie (Français)

Marco del PEFA de Medición del Desempeño en materia de Gestión de las Finanzas Públicas a nivel de Gobiernos Subnacionales (Español)