Compliance improvement plan High level plan that describes generally in a single document the most significant compliance risks identified in the revenue system and the actions the revenue administration intends to take to mitigate those risks. Compliance improvement plans (also known as “compliance” and “compliance management plans or programs”) are commonly structured around major sources of revenue and payer segments.
Compliance risks Risks related to revenue that may be lost if payers fail to meet the four main revenue obligation areas, including: (i) registration; (ii) timely filing of declarations; (iii) payment of liabilities on time; and (iv) complete and accurate reporting of information in declarations.
Composition of arrears Segregation of arrears by responsible entity and type of arrears, such as arrears for goods and services, salary payments, pension payments, statutory transfers, court judgements etc.
Contingency items Clearly defined items which are unallocated at budget preparation time but used to cover excesses in spending in any budget unit during execution. Usually established either as a separate vote, or as a sub-vote under the Ministry of Finance, with a clearly marked title such as ‘contingency reserve’ or ‘unanticipated/miscellaneous expenditure’ or unallocated appropriation.
Contingent liabilities As per IMF’s GFS Manual 2014, obligations that do not arise unless particular discrete event(s) occur in the future.
Contingency votes See contingency items.
Current fiscal year (T) Fiscal year in which the budget proposals are being prepared and usually presented
Debt related-transactions Transactions in the market such as swaps to change the risk profile of the debt portfolio, and debt buybacks of illiquid debt securities.
Deconcentrated operations Regional or district operations managed by local offices of central government agencies and operations run by legally separate entities controlled and mainly financed by central government (formerly called “autonomous government agencies”).
Deconcentrated units See deconcentrated operations.
Directly linked databases For any change in the personnel database affecting the payroll status of an employee, a corresponding change is automatically made in the payroll.
Easy access to information on revenue Ease by which individuals and payers can obtain information and advice from revenue administration, including considerations such as timeliness, cost and time spent finding the information.
Economic category See economic classification
Efficiency and effectiveness As per ISSAI 300:11, the principle of efficiency means getting the most from the available resources. It is concerned with the relationship between resources employed and outputs delivered in terms of quantity, quality and timing. The principle of effectiveness concerns meeting the objectives set and achieving the intended results.

