Dimension 11.4. Scoring
Score | Minimum requirements for scores |
A | The total cost and physical progress of major investment projects are monitored during implementation by the implementing government unit. There is a high level of compliance with the standard procedures and rules for project implementation that have been put in place. Information on the implementation of major investment projects is published in the budget documents or in other reports annually. |
B | The total cost and physical progress of major investment projects are monitored by the implementing government unit. Standard procedures and rules for project implementation are in place, and information on implementation of major investment projects is published annually |
C | The total cost and physical progress of major investment projects are monitored by the implementing government unit. Information on implementation of major investment projects is prepared annually. |
D | Performance is less than required for a C score |
Dimension 11.4. Timing, coverage and data requirements
Time period | Coverage | Data requirements/calculation | Data sources |
Last completed fiscal year | CG. |
• List of approved/ongoing investment projects with relevant data to identify them as ‘major’ as per PEFA criteria. • A comparison of projections with data on the actual execution of major investment projects at different stages (time, amount spent, physical progress, etc.), published in budget documentation or elsewhere. • Evidence of the existence of, and compliance with, implementation procedures in the form of audit findings or quality assurance reports |
Ministry of finance/planning. • Line ministries and agencies. • Agency in charge of public investments, if any. • Guidelines on monitoring public investments. • Databases. • Project monitoring reports. • Supreme Audit Institution. |
PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA