The purpose of Volume II of the PEFA Handbook (the Handbook), the PEFA Assessment Fieldguide (‘the Fieldguide’), is to provide PEFA users with expanded guidance on the application of PEFA 2016 following the public release of the Framework document on February 1, 2016.

The Fieldguide expands on the PEFA 2016 Framework document by providing supplementary guidance, clarifications, and definitions in relation to the assessment and scoring of each indicator and dimension. Importantly, with the exception of the section relating to the format and content of the PEFA report (which is covered in Volume III of the Handbook), the Fieldguide replicates ALL information contained in the PEFA 2016 Framework document. Accordingly, assessors undertaking field work only need to refer to the Fieldguide.

The Fieldguide is not intended to provide guidance on how to assess performance changes between previous versions of the framework and PEFA 2016. Separate guidance for measuring such changes is provided in the document Guidance on reporting performance changes in PEFA 2016 from previous assessments that applied PEFA 2005 or PEFA 2011 which is included in Volume III of the Handbook – the PEFA Report. The handbook and other supplementary guidance can also be found at the PEFA website www.pefa.org.

The Fieldguide will be updated to reflect feedback from users and to incorporate references to good practices and useful case studies. Each new edition will include a summary of changes from the previous versions and will be dated at the time of release. Before commencing an assessment, and before completion, users should refer to the PEFA website to ensure that they are referring to the most current version of the Fieldguide.


PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA