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        Janvier 2023            January 2023             Enero 2023



From the Desk of the Head of PEFA Secretariat:  In this video,  Srinivas Gurazada , Head of PEFA Secretariat,  is wishing a Happy New Year 2023 to all PEFA PFM community, sharing updates from the recent Steering Committee and highlighting few items from the PEFA PFM Newsflash.



SC meeting

PEFA Steering Committee Meeting December 2022: PEFA Set for a Major Leap Towards Phase 6 from June 1, 2023 Summary of the key outcomes of this meeting in Washington DC, attended by the PEFA 9 partners.






PEFA China: PEFA Assessments Motivated and Anchored Public Finance Management Reform in Hunan Province: This article discusses the results of applying the PEFA SNG Methodology in eight counties in Hunan province, China, and how the analysis will encourage the Government to design PFM reforms.




Global report

PEFA 2022 Global Report on PFM: This report is now available in French and Spanish on the PEFA Website: Rapport mondial 2022 sur la gestion des finances publiques and Informe global sobre Gestión de las Finanzas Públicas 2022.





Guidance for Subnational Government PEFA Assessments: This document supplements the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Framework document and provides additional information on applying the PEFA methodology at the subnational level. It explains how each of the PEFA indicators and dimensions can be applied or modified to better suit the characteristics of SNGs. The guidance is now available in English and French.



Templates of Automated Excel Scores Worksheets for PEFA Assessments: These templates are designed to help Task Team Leaders when preparing a PEFA report. They are available for the PEFA 2016 Methodology; comparisons over time using the PEFA 2011 Methodology; PEFA SNG Guidance; and the Supplementary Frameworks on PEFA Gender and PEFA Climate.





Publication of the PEFA 2022 French Polynesia Assessment

The PEFA 2022 evaluation was launched at the initiative of the Government of French Polynesia. It was funded by the European Union. The work was managed and supervised by the Delegation for International, European and Pacific Affairs (DAIEP) and the Budget and Finance Directorate (DBF).

The institutional framework for PFM reforms in French Polynesia is well established and is organized in such a way as to ensure high-level political steering and the participation of all stakeholders.

PEFA Report 2022 French Polynesia (in French):

PEFA 2022 French Polynesia Summary of scores



TanzaniaTZ Summary

Publication of the PEFA 2022 Tanzania Assessment

The Government of Tanzania (GoT) led this assessment through the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance & Planning (MoFP), with financial support and technical guidance from Norway.

The report highlights a significant overall improvement in PEFA scores since the previous assessment with 12 indicators showing positive changes in four of the seven pillars of the PEFA framework. These improvements included reforms in the legal framework, the building of human resource capability, as well as modernization and greater integration of IT systems – notably the introduction of the Government Electronic Payment Gateway (GePG), and the shift to MUSE.

PEFA Report 2022 United Republic of Tanzania
PEFA 2022 United Republic of Tanzania Summary of scores


Publication of the PEFA 2022 Rwanda Assessment and a Gender and Climate Responsive PFM Assessment

These assessments were led by the Government of Rwanda and financed by a multi-donor basket fund, with contributions mainly from Belgium and Germany. The development partners are the Embassy of Belgium, the Embassy of Germany, KfW (Germany), ENABEL (Belgium), FCDO (UK), the EU, and the IMF. For Gender and Climate Responsive budgeting, UNICEF and UN Women provided support.

The Government’s PFM reform agenda is designed to support Rwanda’s socio-economic transformation through effective and accountable PFM. It seeks to: increase compliance with PFM rules and procedures; enhance fiscal controls and improve accountability; strengthen the PFM capabilities of local governments; and enhance the Government’s ability to raise revenues and invest those resources to foster growth without compromising fiscal discipline.

PEFA 2022 Rwanda National Report

Summary of Scores Rwanda National Report

Summary of Scores Rwanda GRPFM Assessment



Publication of the PEFA 2022 Nauru Assessment – Agile Assessment with Gender Responsive PFM

These assessments were led by the Government with coordination and funding provided by the IMF.

Drawing on the results of a 2016 Self-Assessment, a PFM Roadmap was designed and implemented. The 2022 PEFA and Gender. The assessments noted improvements in several areas of PFM including: debt management; participation in the budget preparation process; clarity of the fiscal strategy and ability to assess the fiscal impact of revenue and expenditure policy proposals; timeliness of in-year budget reports; internal controls for non-salary expenditures; cash flow and revenue management; and transparency of budget information.

The gender responsiveness assessment reflects issues that have been evaluated for the first time and will be used as baseline for future gender assessments.

PEFA 2022 Nauru National Agile Report

Summary of Scores Nauru National Agile Report

Summary of Scores Nauru GRPFM Assessment


Publication of the PEFA 2022 Georgia Assessment with Gender Responsive PFM

These reports were finalized and launched with an event on December 20, 2022, that was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the World Bank, the EU and UN Women.

This is the second PEFA assessment using the 2016 methodology and the results show improvements in 21 dimensions in areas like fiscal discipline, contingent liabilities, transparency of assets disposal, investment project monitoring, debt management strategy, fiscal forecasts, and others.

These results demonstrate that the PFM systems in Georgia are strong and have continued to improve as the Government’s PFM Reform Action Plan has been implemented.

PEFA 2022 Georgia National Report with Gender Assessment

Summary of Scores Georgia National Report

Summary of Scores Georgia GRPFM Assessment



Publication of eight county-level PEFA Assessments conducted in China

The first ever eight county-level PEFA assessments conducted in China were launched officially. They were jointly sponsored by the the World Bank and the Hunan Provincial Finance Department, with the assessors from the China Academy of Fiscal Sciences, the World Bank , Fudan UniversityHunan University and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Assessments links:

Chaling County Report and Summary

Guidong County Report and Summary

Liling City Report and Summary

Liuyang City Report and Summary

Pingjiang County Report and Summary

Rucheng County Report and Summary

Yizhang County Report and Summary

Youxian County Report and Summary



JordanIn this short video, Shada El Sharif, Advisor, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Jordan, talks about her experience in conducting the PEFA Climate Assessment in Jordan. She explains the importance of mainstreaming climate change in PFM, of using Climate to induce change and monitor progress over time, as well as of providing learning opportunities for the government.



In this video, Richard Neves, PFM Advisor, Ministry of Economy, Mozambique shares his experience of undertaking a PEFA Climate Assessment in Samoa. He is revealing how this framework can be used to “demonstrate” countries’ credentials to mainstream climate change actions and the practical benefits of applying PEFA Climate.


Climate Responsive Public Financial Management Framework (PEFA Climate) - Piloting Phase





The PFM Blog Annual Top 10 Awards for 2022

This  IMF Blog highlights the most read ten PFM blogs of 2022. The blog on Rethinking Public Financial Management, is listed as the most read one, which is fitting the theme for the post-Covid recovery. It is with contributions from PEFA Secretariat and is co-authored by Gary BandyMark Johnson, Tia Raappana and Srinivas  Gurazada.

Could be of interest to those using PEFA

Improving Clarity and Accessibility of Budget Documentation

This is a knowledge product developed for the Budget Literacy and Transparency Working Group (BLTWG) that operates within the Budget Community of Practice (BCOP) of the Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning Network (PEMPAL) that covers countries in Europe and Central Asia.

The report provides good practices and recommendations for ministries of finances to improve budget clarity. The report presents a roadmap with 12 steps for achieving full and meaningful accessibility and understandability of budget documentation. Specific examples of good practices employed in different countries are also presented throughout the report.

Could be of interest to those working on:

Pillar 2: Transparency of Public Finances


Riding the Global Debt Rollercoaster  

This IMF Blog notes that the weaker growth outlook and tighter monetary policy call for prudence in managing debt and conducting fiscal policy.

Overall global debt levels remained above pre-pandemic levels in 2021 even after posting the steepest decline in 70 years, underscoring the continuing challenges for policymakers.

Total public and private debt decreased in 2021 to the equivalent of 247 percent of global GDP, falling by 10 percentage points from its peak level in 2020, according to the latest update of the IMF’s Global Debt Database. Expressed in dollar terms, however, global debt continued to rise, although at a much slower rate, reaching a record $235 trillion in 2021.

Could be of interest to those working on:

Pillar 3: Management of Assets & liabilities




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