Would you like to know how to use PEFA Reports to assess the readiness of PFM systems to respond to COVID-19 challenge?
Read more here


Join our first global webinar on PEFA Gender. We are inviting you to join our first global webinar on the integration of gender considerations into the design, implementation, and evaluation of budget policies on Thursday, May 14, 2020 from 9:00 to 11:00 AM Washington DC time. Interested? Register below.




Interested in pilot testing PEFA Climate? Let us know!
The draft PEFA Climate Framework will be ready soon. PEFA Climate is a set of indicators building on the PEFA Framework  to inform how PFM systems can support the implementation of government climate change actions.
Pilot testing will start on July 1, 2020. If your government would like to know more, contact








We have recently developed and pilot tested an approach to PFM improvement that aims at assisting countries to more effectively identify, prioritize and sequence reform initiatives and ensure that countries take charge of their own reform design and implementation.  Volume IV of the PEFA Handbook – Using PEFA to support PFM improvement  has been designed as a practical guide for government officials, development partners and PFM experts for developing reform initiatives and improve plans to address weaknesses in PFM identified through PEFA reports and other diagnostic assessments. 
The guidance sets out a simple seven stage approach to developing and implementing PFM reform initiatives from the initial identification of the problems (including weaknesses identified in PEFA and other diagnostic tools), to designing, sequencing, implementing and monitoring. 

The approach has now been pilot tested by the PEFA Secretariat in three countries – Peru, West Bank and Gaza and Fiji – with each country testing a different facilitation model for providing guidance. 

The Secretariat plans to pilot test the guidance in several more countries during 2020 and 2021, including providing support remotely.  In the meantime we would invite comments and feedback from the PEFA community on the approach outlined in the guidance.




In January 2020 we launched the PEFA supplementary framework for assessing gender responsive public financial management. We have since prepared a short brochure outlining key characteristics of the framework, including what its nine indicators aim to measure. We are currently translating the framework into French, Portuguese, and Spanish, and those should be available in the forthcoming weeks. We are also continuing with the collection of country case studies on integrating gender considerations in different public financial management institutions and process. See the two examples from the Republic of Korea on sex-disaggregated data for performance information on service delivery and tracking expenditure for gender equality.  If you want to learn more about PEFA framework for gender responsive PFM, join our global webinar on May 14