Describe the proposed structure and format of the PEFA report, including annexes. Indicate whether the report follows the approved format set out in the PEFA 2016 framework document and highlight any additional content or other adjustments.
For SNG Please refer to the note available on the PEFA website
Specify who will be the principal recipient of the final report, noting that the government will be the owner of the final product.
Note whether the report will be published and, if not, an explanation of why not. Arrangements for publication and dissemination of the report should also be included here.
Describe the proposed approach for disseminating and reviewing the quality of the draft concept note/ToRs and draft and final PEFA reports.
Summarize the process being followed to attain the PEFA check including proposed reviewers and indicative timeline.
In case of an assessment of a set of subnational governments, the PEFA check is provided for each assessment.
Note: For the PEFA Check a minimum of four reviewers from different organizations is required. One of the reviewers must be the government and one reviewer must be the PEFA Secretariat. Other reviewers may include other stakeholders including development partners and civil society organizations/representatives.
An additional sub-section will be required for SNG concept note (see template concept note for SNGs – Consolidated reports (in case of an assessment of a set of SNGs) which explains if it is envisaged to prepare a consolidated report. It is required to explain the proposed approach to consolidation of the findings of individual reports and to describe arrangements for peer review and publication of the report.
Note: The consolidated report is not mandatory. It is not part of the QA arrangement.
Describe arrangements for discussion of the findings and policy implications of the draft and final reports within government.
Explain the proposed process for linking the findings with a PFM reform dialogue to address policy development, prioritization and monitoring.
Identify the main stakeholders for such a dialogue.
PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA