Steps Key Tasks Main Issues Responsibility  Indicative Timeline PEFA Secretariat Support
    8.3 Government approval of final PEFA report

Government approves final report

Government F+4  
  8.4 Publication of the final PEFA report

Acceptance of the final report is usually followed by public release and often a dissemination event involving interested organizations and officials

If authorized by the government, the PEFA Secretariat publishes the report on its website

• Authorization can be done by an e- mail

• The final report is usually published on a government website and on the PEFA website in quick succession

Government, PEFA Secretariat, development partners (where relevant) F+4 PEFA Secretariat uploads the PEFA report on its website following government approval to publish.


9 Reform dialogue 9.1 Identify key issues for the reform dialogue

Identify the key strengths and weaknesses.

Determine further analysis required including nontechnical factors.

Government with support of development partners Country specific

PEFA Handbook Volume I – The PEFA Assessment Process

  9.2 Managing the dialogue

The dialogue may be facilitated by the oversight team The dialogue should involve consultations with senior government officials, development partners and other key stakeholders

The dialogue should:

• discuss the PEFA report findings as well as other relevant information including other diagnostics and current reform initiatives, and

• discuss the need for reform initiatives to address PFM weaknesses, including a comprehensive and integrated strategy and reform program, and how such a reform program agenda could be financed and implemented

Government and/ or with support of development partners    

PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA