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  2.4 Preparation for the PEFA Check

The PEFA Check ‘quality endorsement process’ ensures that the assessment and the QA process have followed recognized good practices in planning and implementation.

Assessment manager   •PEFA Check Guidelines (see Annex 1.2 of PEFA Handbook Volume I: PEFA Assessment Process)
3 Prepare for the assessment 3.1 Mobilize the assessment team (assessment team)

Assessment manager will identify, assemble and mobilize the assessment team

The assessment team leader leads the assessment work and coordinates the assessment team

The assessment team leader clarifies roles and responsibilities of team members, how the team will function, communicate and coordinate within and outside the team

Assessment manager, assessment team leader and as appropriate government or development partner F-2 PEFA Handbook Volume I: PEFA Assessment Process
  3.2 Identify data requirements and sources

Identify data requirements and sources for indicator set and PEFA report;

• Reviewing published/ unpublished data prior to the field work can save significant time and resources

Assessment manager issues an initial data request to relevant officials

Assessment manager, Assessment team Government representatives F-1

PEFA Handbook Volume I PEFA Assessment Process includes data request to host country. PEFA Volume II: PEFA Assessment Fieldguide includes guidance on data requirements, calculations and data sources

  3.3 Prepare schedule/ agenda for field work

Announce planned field visit and agree agenda and meeting schedule with host country and organizations.

Issue letter confirming arrangements

Prepare data bases and templates for retention and storage of information required/collected

Assessment manager in consultation with government officials and development partners, and assessment team leader F-1 PEFA Handbook Volume I: PEFA Assessment Process includes template and draft letter for mission schedule

PEFA Handbook Volume 1: The PEFA Assessment Process – Planning, Managing and Using PEFA